Feeling the Burn

Well, I did it! I got up an went to the gym this morning to work out all by myself. And you know what? It felt great. The 24 Hour Fitness I signed up at it is super nice, clean and has a lot of cardio machines available at 7:30AM. I did peek at the Nike Group Class that started at 8 and it looked BOMB (the instructor was an incredibly attractive, jacked chick) so maybe I’ll try that out next time. Today I stuck with two different ellipticals; the kind where you’re responsible for your stride, and the kind that you can program to change it for you. Spent a total of 50 minutes between the two machines and worked up QUITE the sweat.

Showered off quickly (they have pumps of bodywash in the showers!) and hopped on my bike to the office. My legs were NOT happy about this. I was already kind of sore from yesterdays circuit training before heading to the gym, and made sure to stretch some… but MAN, after that 50 minutes, the 2.5 miles were like torture. I’m still having difficulty walking. However, I feel very good about my decision to get back into my gym groove. I even unlocked the gym rat badge on Foursquare; it’s like the social media gods are trying to give me some encouragement.

On an even bigger note, I pushed myself because I wanted to, not because of a poor day of eating. This is HUGE for me. I realized in college, I generally only pushed myself extra hard in the gym after a binge or if I was feeling particularly guilty. Now, I’m able to focus on my desire to be in shape, strong and healthy and use that as a push. Granted, I’m a little less than thrilled with my weight right now, so that is driving it, but I’m not guzzling down laxative tea and spending 3 hours in the gym cursing at myself, so I’m calling it an improvement.

So what was this great day of eating I had yesterday?

  • Quest Bar
  • Soy tea latte and plain greek yogurt
  • salad with lean steak
  • carrots and harboiled eggs
  • grass fed beef burger on romaine with homemade caprese, romaine “chips” and homemade salsa

To my faithful readers, I apologize for the recap, but it’s nice for me to have all in one place. Unfortunately everything was so good, and I was so hungry by the time we ate dinner, I INHALED everything before I remembered to grab a picture.

I know; it is a LOT of red meat and we have plans to follow that up with some more this evening (grass fed london broil). We bought quite a bit of grass fed beef at the farmer’s market, and because the package got punctured somehow, we gotta eat it. I’m not complaining… it’s freaking delicious. For anyone that’s a meat-eater and hasn’t tried grass fed yet… do it, thank me, and never eat factor farmed red meat again. The color, flavor and texture are all completely different, for the better. You can read more about it here. I’m not suggesting it will cure cancer or anything, and I don’t think anyone should eat red meat everyday… but I don’t think anyone should eat ANYTHING every day. That’s how you breed food allergies. It’s better to try and mix it up and keep things interesting. Variety is the spice of life! (I don’t remember where I heard that…)

I assure you, however, that I would still prefer to be eating a more vegetarian diet and have spent all morning trying to make my nutritionist’s plan (basically modified paleo) and a vegetarian diet (very NOT paleo) work together. So far what I’ve come up is eating vegetarian for breakfast and lunch, and then allowing myself more animal proteins at dinner. This makes sense for me because: vegan protein substitutes often are higher in carbs so I can’t have any after 3pm BUT I can have them over salad or with veggies as breakfast or lunch; the boy is a meat eater, therefore, most of the dinners we cook together contain meat… I already don’t eat a bunch of other stuff he likes (rice, pasta, bread) so at least if we’re eating the same protein it doesn’t have to be two totally separate meals; breakfasts are usually a protein bar or shake already anyway – no need to change!

The only issue I keep running into with this plan is my desire to not eat processed foods… Tofu, tempeh, seitan – they’re all processed. I think I’m going to compromise though and say tempeh is an acceptable sometimes food because it contains only 3 ingredients and is not as processed as the other two. I could make my own seitan, true, but it’s pretty high on the carb scale (it is wheat gluten, afterall) so that’s probably a no go. While it’s not paleo friendly, I think I will try to start working beans back into my diet at lunches; probably garbanzo, lentils and sprouts. I know sprouted beans is where people on raw diets get a lot of their protein, in addition to nuts, I’m just worried about the effects the carbs will have on my insulin levels… I don’t want to snap into crazy biploar Sam because of mung sprouts or something weird like that.

*Sigh* I’ll figure it out. I definitely just need to find a balance in this crazy food world. But if you have any suggestions, I’m definitely open to them!

On the bright side, I’ve scoured dozens of paleo sites in conjunction with some low carb baking sites, and I think you’ll be happy with some of the stuff I manage to come up with over the next couple weeks 🙂

Now, I have to share with you my caprese salad recipe because it was SO good. I know, caprese is usually straightforward, and Italians will probably scoff, but the medley of flavors was really awesome. It has to be known by others!

Not my photo... but it looked kind of like this... and photos are fun!

Modified Caprese Salad (serves 2)

  • 2 ripe tomatoes (preferably heirloom; I don’t know what  mine were… they were from the farmer’s market)
  • 2-3 oz mozzarella cheese (I used that organic block I bought; it would have been better with buffalo… but use what you got!)
  • big handful of fresh basil, roughly chopped
  • 1/4-1/3 c. balsamic vinegar
  • 2 T olive oil
  • garlic powder
  • salt/pepper

Thickly slice your tomatoes. I got about 5 slices out of each one. Slice the mozzarella so that you can layer a slice of tomato, then cheese, then tomato etc. Grease a pan lined with aluminum foil with 1T of the olive oil. Put in a toaster oven (or regular oven) at 450 for about 8 minutes (the cheese with just start to get soft). Meanwhile, over medium heat, whisk together your basil, balsamic, remaining olive oil and spices. It will reduce about in half and get thick and drizzly (about 5-7 minutes). Once the right consistency is reached, drizzle over tomatoes and cheese, and serve.

Operation “3 perfect weeks” is going pretty okay. Sugar cravings have been subsided by modified hot cocoa and flavored sparkling water. Carb cravings replaced by small romaine hearts dipped in salsa. The urge to binge/purge is mostly at bay… last week was really bad, and I didn’t really talk about it mostly because I was so ashamed by it (pretty sure I did it everyday)… but part of “perfect” is making sure I’m actually feeding my body and allowing it to digest the nutrients, so even though the scale this morning told me I’ve gained about a pound, I know it’s because I’m keeping good food in my body and it’s not from excess carbs or sugar. If I can make it the whole 3 weeks with no bingeing or purging this could be HUGE.

What I’ve eaten so far today:

  • Protein Shake, Maca and Brown Rice with almond milk and peppermint extract
  • Tea latte with skim, apple and almond butter
  • Mixed greens, carrot and eggs

What else I plan on eating:

  • Greek yogurt
  • London broil, broccoli and kale

Happy middle of the week! Any fun plans everyone is looking forward to this weekend?

A Weekend of Food and Fun

My Multiple Personality thinks I’m inspirational! And after this week, and especially weekend, I can’t even begin to explain how much I appreciate this. I would actually have to say, out of all the blogs I follow, I find yours to be the most inspirational for me. As someone who has always set lofty fitness goals for myself and rarely have followed through, I find, through your training, a desire to push myself; even if it’s just trying to bike home a minute faster than I did yesterday. So, thanks for that 🙂 You rock my socks.

Now I’m supposed to give 7 random facts about me.

  1. I was colorguard captain after being on the squad only one year.
  2. I played baseball on an all-boys team for about 4 years and had the highest batting average.
  3. Since graduating high school 5 years ago, I’ve never lived in the same apartment for longer than a year.
  4. I freelance as a make-up designer. I specialize in SFX.
  5. When I voted in the 2008 primary, I was so hopped up on pain killers after getting my wisdom teeth out. I had to draw a line from the name to the check box. I worry this is why Hilary Clinton won in NH.
  6. I still remember the opening monologue from the first play I starred in. I was 9. It was Cinderella.
  7. I don’t think about sex nearly as much as I let on.

The 7 blogs I find inspirational:

  1. The Weight Run Down – a fellow New Englander who seems to have followed a similar path to mine in terms of putting the weight on, and she now humorously shares her journey of taking it off again
  2. Wild Things Run Free – after having major surgery and dealing with an abusive relationship, this chick pulled herself up and made herself run. And she’s cute.
  3. Whatup Chickenbutt?– I’ve given Martha an award before, but I really do love this blog. Nothing like cute girls benching a lot of weight to keep me motivated.
  4. The Actor’s Diet – I’ve been following Lynn since I first sought help for B.E.D. Her posts made me even MORE excited during my preparations to move to L.A. Seeing someone be able to overcome and get to a steady place in a career she wants is truly inspiratonal
  5. F’d-to-Fit – cancer survivor turned health fitness nut; reminds me that I have zero excuses
  6. Cut the Fat… – An honest account of the day in the life of a 20-something’s soul-searching and career planning; I relate to so many of the posts.
  7. One Day at a Time – Blog of a former B.E.D. turned author; reminds me that there’s hope

I can’t express how grateful I am to have found all these blogs. Between struggling with living in a new city, my weight, bipolar disorder, B.E.D., job issues and so many these other stresses that seem to pop up when I think I’m finally settling in… I’m humbled and reminded that there are so many other things going on in the world that have WAY more importance than my problems. (Even if they really do suck sometimes).

On to brighter pastures!


Garlic Wine Chicken with Steamed Veggies

I’ve already posted the recipe for this yummy chicken, but how pretty does this picture look?

After deciding to try to eat less processed and modified foods, I went on a search for mozzarella cheese that was not “low-fat, part-skim, or non-fat.”

This was very difficult, even in Whole Foods… but I eventually succeeded


I used it to try and fix my first low-carb pizza attempt.


cauliflower pizza dough, lookin' good

This time I zipped the cauliflower through the magic bullet without cooking it. It was still VERY wet. I tried to press out as much water as possible, but this really should have been done for a few hours through a cheesecloth.

Instead I used paper towels and a fine mesh strainer. Meh. Combined with my egg, cheese and coconut flour, I pressed this puppy on greased WAX paper instead this time, cooked it for about 30 minutes before adding the toppings; about 15 minutes each side.

Then, I added the sauce, some asparagus, chopped up Praeger burger, kale and a little more cheese…


low-carb pizza take 2!

Result? It looks great, doesn’t it? Too bad it still fell apart. I blame the excess moisture. I probably could’ve squished it a little flatter too.

While waiting on my pizza and some laundry, I played with my hair and makeup!

The next morning I was glad I’d already dolled myself up, because then I had time to make breakfast before our Saturday of adventure:


regular pancakes, for him

These might have been the best pancakes I’ve ever made, solely judging by a lick of the batter and how they look. I can’t eat them and I don’t even recommend YOU eat them, but if you’re all about carbs then this is the recipe for you.

  • 1/4 cup and 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon white sugar
  • 1/4 cup cream
  • 1 egg
  • 2-1/4 teaspoons butter

Whisk all the ingredients together until smooth. Over medium heat, pour in about half the batter, cooking 2-3 minutes on each side; until golden brown. Finish off the batter. Makes two pancakes.

For those of you that are geared more towards protein, these are for you:


less pretty... but still tasty!

Pumpkin Protein Pancakes (adapted from Carrots ‘N’ Cake)

  • 4 tbsp canned pumpkin
  • 1/2 c unsweetened applesauce
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • 2 TB ground flax
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg

Whisk ingredients until smooth. Over medium heat, pour batter into pan. Cook each side 2-3 minutes/side until firm and golden brown. Makes 3-4 pancakes.

They were good… definitely better than my other attempt at protein pancakes… but still not QUITE perfect. They definitely kept me full all morning though. Usually I’m all over any kind of free food, but when we went to the NoHo Farmer’s Market I found I was pleasantly satisfied and didn’t feel the need to shove everything in my face, which allowed me to enjoy the things I DID sample (sweet strawberries, fresh orange, tomato, lemon almonds, fresh sprouts and some veggie chips).

What I bought: free range eggs ($5/18!!!), grass-fed beef, 2 kinds of kale, tomatoes, apples, broccoli, lemons, microgreens, honey sticks, veggie chips, almonds, cookies (not for me), carrots and basil. It was a pretty good haul and I only have a couple things to pick up at the grocery store for the week 🙂

From there we went to the LA Beer Fest at Paramount Studios!


into the pool!

It was my first BIG beer fest, and it came at a good time since yesterday started the “3 perfect weeks” I promised my trainer and nutritionist.

I tried a lot of different beers, but a few stuck out:

  • Lost Coast Tangerine Wheat
  • Lady Face Cask’n Robbins
  • Firestone Brunette (okay, I got the red head at the fest [naturally], but we bought the brunette last week and I liked that better)

Since it was kind of my last hurrah for a while, I felt okay with my decision to try one of the food trucks that I’ve been salivating over since I moved here:


Mandoline Grill's Vegan Bahn Mi with Sriracha Aioli

Chewy bread, crunchy pickled daikon and carrots, perfectly seasoned tofu; I may have been slightly intoxicated but this sandwich was AMAZING. I made the boy try it and even though he detests tofu, he thought it tasted good. So do yourself a favor and get one.

After we’d stuffed our bellies and consumed more beer, we headed on to the next bit of our adventure…

Oh yeah, did I mention we walked from Hollywood and Vine to Paramount and back?

We kept ourselves amused along the way…


Hollywood Sign Photo Attempt: Fail

Back on the train to:


Rode T2 for the first time, which was quite fun, and shared my first Pink’s hot dog, which was quite delicious, then got news from home that kind of stopped our day short.

After having a small mental breakdown in the middle of Universal Studios we took the train home where I was comforted by beer, wine and chicken lo mein. Yeah, none of that is on the list of okay things to eat…

BUT, yesterday started “3 perfect weeks” so I’m not too worried about it.

NO: refined carbs, sugar, caffeine, alcohol

LIMITED: fruits, complex carbs, nuts, beans, dairy

MORE: vegetables, lean proteins, water

Yeah, it’s basically paleo, but I don’t like putting it in those terms because then I just picture large slabs of meat which kind of grosses me out…

I won’t post too much about Easter yet, so I have something to post about tomorrow, but so far so good on the perfection front. I have to admit I’m already craving sugar, but I’m also supposed to start my cycle soon, so that’s just sucky timing.

So far today I’ve had tea, a protein pancake, a snack:


and a mixed greens salad with carrots, celery and hardboiled eggs.

Dinner will probably be my last two vegetarian meat muffins and some greens.

What does “perfect eating” mean to you?